meet the girl & the project

[* in English below]

Het project: deze zomer rijd ik overland van België naar Istanbul en terug, per zachtfluitende, elektrische motor. Om de 250 km zo’n 12u opladen, ±7000 km, geen snelweg. Een uniek, toekomstgericht, traag-snel traject met een zee van tijd die door haar aard een rist ontmoetingen genereert en een zen mind vergt.

Enkele rode draden onderweg: een fotografisch portrettenproject, een doos met hedendaags-klassieke muziek, een vragenlijst over hernieuwbare energie, en nog.
En ikzelf met evenveel bibber als branie.

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Over mijn andere reizen in Armenia, Iran, Istanbul, etc. en over andere projecten, kan je meer vinden op mijn website en hier Meisjes, Moslims & Motoren.

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Trui Hanoulle = photographer – graphic designer – traveling student – motorbiker – queer – story teller – Eurasia/Soviet-o-phile – art lover & lover – bon vivant

The project: this summer I’m riding overland from Belgium to Istanbul and back, on a softly whistling electric motorcycle.
Recharge of 12 hours for every 250 km, ±7000 km, no highway. A unique, slow-fast journey with an ocean of time and its toes into the future. By nature it generates a great number of encounters and demands a zen mind.

Some red threads along the road: a photographic project about portraits and big emotions, a box filled with contemporary classic music, a questionnaire about renewable energy, and more.
And me, with as much fear as pride.

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More on my former journeys in Armenia, Iran, Istanbul, etc. and on my other projects can be found on my website and here Meisjes, Moslims & Motoren (= Girls, Muslims & Motorbikes).

6 reacties op ‘meet the girl & the project

  1. Dear Trui, on my way to WIMA Sweden I sit here in a Hostel in Norway, not walking to the famous sightseeing place Preikestolen because it rained the whole afternoon. Lucky for that I found the time to read about your electric ride. Wonderful!! I wish you a good time and I will be happy to read more about your experience on this exiting trip. All the best to you, Inge


    • Dear Astrid, yessss I keep the right (and left ;)) angle! It has been very special so far. And you should also try the Zero bikes really. You would love them I’m sure. It’s a ‘normal’ great motorbike yet it’s not ‘normal’ at all. Just test all 4 of them and let me know your experiences. VERY curious to hear this from you as one of the very best bikers I know! XX


      • Dear Trui,
        I tested some of the zero motocycles. We have two of them on prologtraining years befor and I like them and I think about to train my customer with an electric bike. Actually I don’t know how I can realise this. Anyway it will works when I’m taff enough to ask some fabrication to train with me. During this time I enjoy and read your blog :-) have a good time



    • Thank you, Dirk Devreese, I’m honoured to find this post on your Enfield blog.
      Enfields are great machines. Rode once for half an hour, just for fun. That same year, 2002, Iris Heiremans and I were taking our Suzuki DR 650 SE’s from Belgium to the Himalaya’s and back for 7 months. Home country of the Enfields now. So this journey was certainly not a first for me.

      Last weekend my article and images were published (5 pages) in De Standaard Magazine – maybe that’s how you found out?
      There were also articles in Moto Magazine in France (March 2016), in Moto 80 (Feb 2016), in Overland Magazine (Feb 2016), and last year also in Motorrijder (Oct 2016). On you can find a full interview also (in Dutch).
      And 2007 Gaea Schoeters and I rode and wrote ‘Meisjes, Moslims & Motoren’, also 7 months. Book is easy to find in most libraries for it is long sold out + a bit here too:

      ENJOY your rides !


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